Running Up For Air
In the face of declining air quality, a community of runners rises up.
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Directed by Forest Woodward /2024/ 17 Min

In 2012, Jared Campbell decided to run up and down Salt Lake City’s Grandeur Peak for 24 hours, to raise money for air quality advocacy work. After 11 years, his solo project has morphed into Running Up For Air: a worldwide movement with dozens of races, hundreds of runners and tens of thousands of dollars raised around the globe. This is a story about how running builds community that can jump-start change far beyond the trails.





The Filmmaker

Forest Woodward

Forest Woodward is a Montana-based photographer and filmmaker whose work is informed by a desire to celebrate and reinvigorate the reciprocal relationship between humans and the landscapes we inhabit. A longtime Patagonia contributor, Forest’s films have been awarded and screened from Missoula, Montana, to Seoul, South Korea, and a fair few places in between. He enjoys making work that tugs at the heartstrings and shoelaces, urging us out the door and into conversations and actions that support the people and places we love.

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