Regenerative Organic Certified™ Cotton

We’re promoting Regenerative Organic practices with cotton farmers in India.


We have drastically changed our climate in just over a century. Growing food and fiber with industrial techniques and harmful chemicals is one of the main causes of climate change, contributing up to one-quarter of annual emissions. If we switch from fossil fuel–intensive farming to organic, no- and low-till practices that build healthy soil and draw carbon back into the ground, we could turn our agricultural system from problem to solution.


The number of farmers who are part of Patagonia's Regenerative Organic Certified™ program.

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Where We Are

We piloted our first crop of cotton in India in 2018, working with more than 150 farmers to implement the highest organic standard, Regenerative Organic. Since then, the cotton program has grown to include over 800 farmers. This farming method aims to rehabilitate soil, respect animal welfare and improve the lives of farmers. As of Spring 2022, we are thrilled to launch our first Regenerative Organic Certified cotton products.

What's Next

We hope to launch even more Regenerative Organic Certified apparel and food as our program progresses in the next few years. We believe it’s possible to grow food and fiber in harmony, to make our land more fertile and our future brighter. It’s not just about doing less harm, but also doing some good.

Explore Regenerative Organic Certification Cotton.