Opening image: Brown is calling on Prime Minister Albanese to end the logging of Australia’s wildlife-rich native forests as New Zealand did 20 years ago. Photo courtesy Bob Brown Foundation


‘It’s time Albo! And you can do it! Ending native forest logging in Australia will be a feather in your cap forever.’

Ending native forest logging would save a lot of feathers, including those of the many species of birds headed for extinction in our country like the black cockatoos, swift parrots, helmeted honeyeaters and masked owls. It would help save a brace of mammals as well.

The Prime Minister is for turning on this issue. And he has good precedence: the Labour prime minister of New Zealand put an end to native forest logging in 2000 and all the dire warnings about wood shortages and societal collapse were happily survived over there. With 90 per cent of forestry jobs now in plantations and two million hectares of plantations established, Australia can go well without flattening and incinerating what’s left of this country’s ancient forests.

The Bob Brown Foundation have long been campaigning to have takayna/ Tarkine protected from logging as a World Heritage listed National Park and returned to First Nations ownership. Takayna Trail 2022. Photo Tim Cooper

Opinion polls show that a majority of voters across Australia, and in every state, want the native forests and their wildlife saved. Photo courtesy Bob Brown Foundation

We can’t allow the loss of those forests if we are to realistically save their myriad of species and keep the wild trees growing as a carbon bank, as a hedge against worsening global heating.

Heeding growing public outrage, the governments of Western Australia and Victoria have decided to end native forest logging, in the main, this year. But the NSW Labor government and Tasmanian Liberal governments have dug their heels in against the rising tide.

Here’s where Prime Minister Anthony Albanese can intervene. He could withdraw from the disastrous Howard-years regional forest agreements with the states under which logging of native forests was excluded from the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act of 1999. But he also has at hand the Commonwealth’s powers over corporations, and that includes logging corporations, and powers over trade, including the export of woodchips, whole logs and peeled products from forests.

There is little doubt that with a majority in the House of Representatives, and with the support of the Greens in the Senate, legislation to save the forests would get swift passage. And it would be popular. Opinion polls repeatedly show that a big majority of voters across Australia, and in every state, wants the forests and their wildlife saved. The majority includes more than three of every four people who vote Labor.

That’s why it’s so important that we turn out at rallies across the nation to end native forest destruction. Labor in government continues to be under immense lobbying pressure from the corporations and union officials wanting to continue to profit from Australia’s loss. It is time for us, the public, to insist that the government responds to the voters who, with increasing urgency in this age of extinction and bushfires, are demanding action to save what is left of our forests and wildlife.

Like whaling in 1978, logging of native forests should be brought to an end in 2023. These rallies are a sure way for us all to send that clear message to those in political power. ‘Albo: it’s time! And you can do it!’

Find your local rally here.

“In this extinction crisis, the government will get majority public applause if it ends the unnecessary native forest carnage,” says Bob Brown. Photo Krystle Wright

Opening image: Brown is calling on Prime Minister Albanese to end the logging of Australia’s wildlife-rich native forests as New Zealand did 20 years ago. Photo courtesy Bob Brown Foundation


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